Does a Colon Cleanse Make a Person Lose Weight?
Obesity has become a health risk for many Americans. Since the 1960s, foods have been processed much differently than in years past. Packaged and processed foods now contain more sugar, fat and additives and fewer of the desirable nutrients needed to maintain optimum health. The prominence of fast food restaurants amplifies the dilemma.
Effects of Poor Nutrition
Changes in nutrition and diet have affected metabolism and energy levels such that people have become overweight. Improper nutrition upsets the functioning of brain activity and body metabolism, causing the frequent sensation of hunger. Normal caloric requirements are often exceeded with the wrong types of food, such as starchy, processed carbohydrates or refined sugars with little lasting nutritional value. The result is an increase of fat in the blood stream, which is not eliminated, but is instead stored as extra weight. Heart disease is an increased risk.
Colon cleansing is a useful way to begin a weight loss program. After years of improper nutrition and diet, the digestive system accumulates several pounds of waste in the colon. With a proper cleanse, this will be the first weight to be eliminated.
Colon cleansing aids the body in eliminating the weight of solid waste and restores health to the digestive system. This permits the entire system to absorb proper nutrients from the food that is taken in. One of the most immediate consequences can be an increased level of energy. This results from an enhanced metabolic rate of the body, which also improves caloric burn. Care must be taken to eat the proper foods once colon health is restored.
Changing to a diet that is more nutritious and balanced following a colon cleanse is just as important as the cleanse itself. Many people do not change their eating habits and become disappointed when they once again experience weight gain. Seek to avoid packaged, processed or "fast" foods. Identify foods that are high in nutritional value and are easy to prepare. The right foods will satisfy the appetite and promote weight loss.