Weight Loss Detox Centers in Tampa Florida
Herbalist Program
The Rose Kalajian Herbalist program focuses on the removal of toxins from organs, fat cells and the bloodstream. Removing excess estrogen from both women and men to promote increased immunity and healthy cell growth is the primary goal of this type of treatment. Too much estrogen can also cause increased weight gain from enlarged fat cells. Flushing out fat lost due to a healthier diet and exercise is a primary goal of this Florida weight loss center.
Tampa Rejuvenation Center
The Tampa Rejuvenation Center staff conducts food sensitivity testing, hair mineral and adrenal stress tests before initiating a personalized weight loss treatment and detoxification program. A patient's age, metabolism, and hormonal levels dictate the type of medically supervised detoxification and weight loss plan offered. Patients participate in regularly scheduled meetings with the medical staff, as well as counseling and nutritional planning augment this natural weight loss program.
Natural MED Therapies Center
The Natural MED Therapies Center offers an aqua detoxification program. The procedures involve the patient placing both feet in water for 30 minutes sessions of pore extractions. An electrolytic foot spa device stimulates the entire body to relinquish toxins through the 2,000 pores present on feet. In addition to enhancing weight loss through detoxification, the procedure is also used to aid with fatigue, constipation, acne and skin disorders. This detoxification program lasts five weeks.
Orthomolecular Nutritiona and Wellness Center
Detoxification programs at the Orthomolecular Nutrition and Wellness Center focus on removing toxins from the body, boosting the natural immune systems. By removing the toxins from the body through a personalized patient plan, toxins are eliminated and free radicals are neutralized, creating a balanced nutritional base within the body to speed up the weight loss process under medical supervision. Intravenous antioxidant therapies, dietary counseling, footbaths, and oral supplementation programs are all offered at this Tampa area facility.
Med Slim Center
The Med Slim Center offers weight loss detoxification plans, diet plans, medication, and vitamin therapy to patients. Injections to aid the liver in quickly removing fat from the body must be taken twice a week. Patients have the option to purchase injections for home use, or visit the facility to receive the injections. Calcium Pyruvate is also offered to increase metabolism and burn calories faster.