Algae for Losing Weight
Understand the Basics
Algae can be bought over the counter at health-food stores and pharmacies, usually in the form of pills or tablets, but sometimes in powder form or even bottled. The main reason algae is used as a weight-loss aid is that it lowers appetite and cravings, allowing you to control what you eat and in what amounts. To help with that, simply take two to three pills throughout the day, 20 to 30 minutes before your meals. Because algae is high in fiber and protein, it will also increase your satiety level, making you less hungry by the time you finally sit down to eat. If you have problems with digestion, taking algae after your meals might be a better idea, as it contains enzymes that help improve digestion and prevent heartburn. Some types of algae, such as brown seaweed, has an effect on the thyroid, causing weight loss as a secondary effect of regulating the organism. If you're taking thyroid medication, be sure to talk to your doctor before adding algae to the mix.
Get It to Work
Other reasons to use algae for weight loss include: increased energy (which can help you work out longer), blood-sugar regulation (preventing diabetes and hypoglycemia), and as a detoxifier, to help you get rid of the toxins released from cells during dieting and weight loss in general. Fresh or dehydrated algae contain more nutrients and a higher concentration of elements than algae sold in tablet form. If you don't like the flavor of it on its own, try mixing it with cereals and grains, add it to salads or soups, or mix it in a blender with fruits or veggies to create a smoothie you can drink as a mid-afternoon snack.