Rapid Weight Loss Secrets
Study Your Current Diet
Before you can begin any weight loss plan, you need to examine your current diet and make necessary changes in it first. Cut out all refined food products containing white flour and sugar. This small change alone will make a noticeable difference in your dress size because your body burns these items for energy first; if they are not available to burn, it will burn stored fat instead.
Add in whole-grain foods including a variety of fruits and vegetables, and eat red meat sparingly; this is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, a dieters enemy. Instead, opt for fish, soy protein sources such as tofu and legumes and lean poultry.
Determine Your Caloric Intake
It is important to know how many calories you are consuming each day and compare them to the number of calories you should be consuming each day; the amount you have gone over may surprise you.
Under ordinary circumstances, you would multiply your current weight by 12, and deduct 500 from the answer; these are the number of calories you need to consume each day for a weight loss of one to two pounds a week. However, many do not consider this rapid weight loss and so we introduce calorie shifting.
Implement Calorie Shifting
The concept behind calorie shifting is simple; it is a way of confusing your metabolism to help your body burn more calories than it normally would.
If you determine the number of calories you are, or should be consuming each day, is 1,500, your metabolism grows to expect this regularly. Over a period of time, it stops working as efficiently simply because it is set in its ways and knows what you are going to feed it. Taking it by surprise by suddenly increasing or decreasing the number of calories you consume wakes it up, so-to-speak, thus resulting in more efficient fat and calorie burn.
Here's the catch though; you cannot use calorie shifting with bad eating habits. This is why it's important to begin changing your eating habits before using calorie shifting as a means of losing weight rapidly. The other catch is you need to eat the same amount of calories each day for one month; this is enough time for your metabolism to grow accustomed to a specific number of calories before taking it by surprise with a shift in your caloric intake.
Drink Plenty of Water
Water is an essential aspect of any diet plan and serves many purposes. First, when drank between meals, it helps fill you up, preventing you from wanting to snack and overeat through the day.
Next it is your body's purifier. It helps cleanse your kidneys and liver of built up toxins which can hinder your metabolism's ability to work efficiently at burning fat and calories.
Finally, it keeps you hydrated. If you are even the slightest bit dehydrated, you may confuse thirst for hunger pangs. Dehydration is also responsible for a slower metabolism.
This is a given for any weight loss plan, but if you truly want to lose weight rapidly, you need to incorporate at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise into your day. Brisk walking, jogging, biking and swimming are all terrific forms of exercise and help shed unwanted pounds and fat quickly, especially if you perform these activities four to five days a week.