Weigh Down Weight Loss Program
Forget Diets
Weigh Down does not believe that diets and weight-loss companies have the best interest of their customers at heart. Weigh Down believes that by eschewing man's weight-loss rules and instead choosing to follow what they believe to be God's, people who've had difficulty losing weight with fad diets will finally do so. They will also gain a closer relationship with God along the way. In addition, Weigh Down believes the major weight-loss firms actually want people to become dependent on their products, whether or not they're working, so the companies can continue to make money. They purport that diets provided by the weight-loss industry don't work because surrendering control of appetites to God is not at the center of the effort.
The Weigh Down approach to weight reduction relies on God, but they also believe that you need not consider yourself religious to achieve results. The idea is to give your heart over to something, and finding God as well finding a way to weight loss can be a process of discovery with an open mind. The goal is to, in time, transfer your desire for food into a desire for spiritual fulfillment.
Losing Weight
On the Weigh Down plan, the idea is to go inside to understand what unmet needs the endless cycle of overeating is trying to fill. Once passion for food is replaced by passion for God, people on the plan begin to only eat only when hungry, and weight loss then occurs naturally.
Although there are no scales, Weigh Down does educate on fat content, though their plan more often involves volume of food as opposed to content. The good news is that when you consume fewer calories than you burn, it translates to weight loss on any diet plan and can also slow down aging, according to Science Daily.
The Weigh Down process is based on classes available on video. The basic video program lasts for 8 weeks, with ongoing advanced classes also available. The focus of the Weigh Down weight-reduction classes is to find a way to the power within. By finding a path through the clutter of contemporary culture toward your natural state, you will eat less and more healthfully. By having a heart for God as opposed to an earthly desire for indulgence, weight loss will occur naturally.