Core Rhythm Dance Exercises
Starting the Program
Begin to use the Core Rhythms program by buying the Kick Start DVD. It is an introduction to basic core and dance exercises. The DVD is not a choreographed dance workout like the other DVDs Core Rhythms offers, but it will teach you the basic form you need to engage your abdominal and back muscles to make your workouts safe and effective. Do the moves in the DVD until you think you have fully mastered them and then move on to another DVD. You can always come back and do the workout on the DVD again for a periodic refresher.
Also consider trying the Dancer's Diet Guide as part of your new fitness program. Proper eating goes hand in hand with exercise. You may lose a little weight without changing your eating plan, but you won't get significant results unless you do both.
Beginner Workout
The Quick Workout DVD is a 20-minute session that gives you a good workout in a short amount of time. Pay close attention to the instructions, and take advantage of the feature that allows you to change camera angles so you are sure you are doing the exercises correctly. You may want to work out in front of a mirror at first to watch your own form, but eventually you should learn how to feel your muscles to know if you are working your abs or not.
Start with this workout a few times a week and then build up to where you are doing it daily. After a few weeks, your body will adapt and your results will slow down. When this happens, add in the Full Workout DVD to your routine and mix these up with other workout DVDs in the program. You can also do the Quick Workout as a warm up and then do a weights workout or other physical activity afterward.
Intermediate Workout
The Full Workout DVD is a 45-minute workout including a proper warm-up and cool down. This DVD helps you burn fat and work up a sweat. Try to do this workout several days a week and fit in the Quick Workout on days you have less time and for variety. No matter how challenging a workout is, your body will find a way to eventually make it easier, so keep changing up your routine by trying new DVDs in the series, or throw in some other activities such as Pilates, walking or swimming. This will keep you from getting bored, and it will keep shocking your body with new challenges.
Where to Go From Here
The last DVD of the starter pack is Latin Dance Made Easy. This DVD helps you if you truly want to learn how to do Latin dances that you can take out to dance clubs. It is not as much of a workout, though, so if you are just looking to work your core, consider instead buying the Secret to Sexy Abs DVD for a more targeted core workout.