Patches to Lose Weight
The weight loss patch is a small patch that is affixed to the skin on an area of the body, such as the arm, stomach or back. The patch then releases the ingredients for weight loss over time. People who have tried this patch claim that it helps to control appetite and give them energy throughout the day. The patch is usually changed every day and is typically used for one month.
Most weight loss patches contain herbal ingredients such as Guarana, Chromium and Ginseng. These ingredients work together to give an increase in energy and help the body to burn fat. The weight loss patch is an all natural supplement that claims to help you lose weight by decreasing appetite, so you consume less food.
There is no miracle patch or pill that can make the weight melt off of your body. While these patches may help reduce appetite, it may return when you stop using the patches. The patches can be costly, averaging from $30.00-$50.00 for a 30 day supply. The effectiveness of the weight loss patch has not been determined, especially for someone over 150lbs. Those who are heavier than this may absorb less of the ingredients from the patch, reducing its effectiveness.
There are many different types of weight loss patches available on the market today. One brand, New Generation, uses ingredients that the Chinese have used for weight loss. There is also a brand that is placed on the foot, that are marketed to relieve foot fatigue, control appetite and promote total cleansing of the body. As you can see, there are several to choose from. If you are considering buying a weight loss patch product, do your homework and learn what the active ingredients are and how they work.
It is important to consult your doctor before embarking on any diet program, or using any weight loss products. Weight loss patches contain herbal ingredients and should not be used by anyone with pre-existing medical conditions such as high blood pressure, seizure disorders and chronic migraine headaches. Anyone taking medication on a daily basis should also consult a doctor or pharmacist to identify any possible drug interactions. The FDA also warns against using weight loss patches that contain high doses of iodine, as prolonged use can lead to overdose. The FDA has ordered many weight loss patch manufacturers to discontinue making any product that they feel is unsafe.