Balanced 1200 Calorie Diet

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important for good health. Obesity increases your risk for heart disease, certain types of cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, skeletal stress, reflux, sleep apnea and infertility--just to name a few. In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. A balanced 1,200 calorie diet and one hour of physical activity daily are a great combination to help you achieve weight loss goals, while improving health and a sense of wellness.
  1. Food Guide Pyramid

    • According to, the daily amount of food suggested from each food group per day for a balanced 1,200 calorie diet is: four servings of grain, 1 ½ cups of vegetables, 1 cup of fruits, 2 cups of low-fat dairy, 3 ounces of meat, 4 teaspoons of oil or margarine and 170 calories from a food of your choice.

    One Serving

    • Grain: one slice of bread, 1 cup of cold cereal or ½ cup of hot cereal, ½ cup of rice or pasta. At least half of your grains should be whole grain.
      Vegetable: 1 cup of fresh or cooked vegetables, 2 cups of leafy greens or 1 cup of vegetable juice.
      Fruit: ½ cup of dried fruit, 1 cup of fresh, canned or frozen fruit, or 1 cup of 100 percent fruit juice.
      Dairy: 1 cup low-fat milk or yogurt, 1 ½ ounces of low-fat cheese, 2 ounces of low-fat processed cheese
      Meat: 1 ounce lean beef, chicken, turkey or fish, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, ¼ cup cooked beans or ½ ounce nuts or seeds.
      Oils or margarines: 1 teaspoon of olive oil, trans-fat free margarine or salad dressing, or 2 teaspoons of reduced-fat margarine or reduced-fat salad dressing.

    Sample Menu

    • Breakfast: 1 cup of cold cereal topped with ½ cup fresh bananas, strawberries and blueberries, and ½ cup skim milk. Water to drink.
      Mid-morning: Water.
      Lunch: 1 whole wheat sandwich with 1 teaspoon margarine and 1 ½ ounces of low-fat cheese, ½ cup grapes, and 2 cups of salad topped with ½ cup fresh onions, tomatoes and cucumber and 2 teaspoons of salad dressing. Water.
      Mid-afternoon: Water, ½ ounce nuts.
      Dinner: ½ cup pasta with 2 ounces meat and ¼ cup red sauce, ½ cup fresh asparagus with 1 teaspoon margarine, and ½ cup low-fat yogurt. Water.
      Evening snack: Water and a 170-calorie snack of your choice.


    • A 1,200 calorie diet is not recommended for long-term use by adults and is not intended for children. Individuals are encouraged to consume a general multivitamin containing 100 percent daily value (DV) for vitamins and minerals, and drink plenty of water with and between meals. Your chances of successful long-term weight loss will be improved if you seek the help of a registered dietitian and regular physical activity. To find a registered dietitian in your area, go to and click on "Find a Nutritional Professional."

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