Acarbose for Weight Loss
How It Works
In the article, "Physician's Guide: Using Blood Test Findings To Safely Induce Weight Loss," Life Extension Magazine cites the benefits of Acarbose as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor. Alpha-glucosidase is an enzyme involved in breaking down carbohydrates in the small intestine. By inhibiting the function of this enzyme, Acarbose slows the rate of digestion of carbohydrates, promotes stable blood sugar levels, helps you to remain satisfied for longer periods after each meal and reduces insulin production. The benefit of reduced insulin production is what has made Acarbose useful in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes in which patients have an impaired insulin response.
For weight loss, Biogenesis Laboratories suggests taking one 50 mg Acarbose tablet one to three times per day prior to a meal. It is best, however, to consult with your physician for proper dosing instructions for your particular needs. Diabetics must consult their doctors prior to beginning any medication regimen.
Additional Benefits
International Antiaging Systems states that as you age, your bodily functions do not perform as well as they did in your younger days, causing insulin, glucose and cortisol levels to increase in the bloodstream. Cortisol is linked to insulin levels because it plays a role in how the body converts sugar (glucose) into energy. The increased levels of these chemicals in your bloodstream causes you to develop what International Antiaging Systems refers to as "pseudo diabetes," putting you in danger of developing cardiovascular disease and other major illnesses associated with diabetes. By keeping your body from producing too much sugar and aiding in reducing insulin levels, Acarbose enables you to avoid some of the major diabetes and age-related illnesses. Your body continues functioning on a younger level, thereby giving you the potential to live a healthier and longer life. International Antiaging Systems cites clinical trials with Type 2 diabetics in which Acarbose reduced the risk of heart attack by 64 percent.
International Antiaging Systems states you should not take Acarbose if you have liver or kidney disease, ulcers, bowel or intestinal problems. Side effects include flatulence, diarrhea and stomach pain. If these occur, dosage may have to be adjusted.