Diet Rules

Dieting is big business. Americans spend more than $35 billion annually on products designed to help them lose weight. Despite their efforts, long-term weight loss is largely unsuccessful, with two-thirds of individuals regaining weight within one year and the majority regaining lost weight by the end of five years. How do the 5 to 20% of individuals who successfully keep weight off do it?
  1. Successful Behaviors

    • The National Weight Control Registry identified the following five behaviors to weight loss success: eating breakfast, monitoring weight, limiting television, exercising daily and having a strong support network. They found that individuals were able to achieve and maintain weight loss goals by shifting the focus from restrictive eating to positive habits that can last a lifetime.

    Daily Breakfast

    • Seventy-eight percent of successful weight loss participants eat breakfast daily, according to the National Weight Control Registry. Those who eat breakfast are less apt to snack on calorie-dense, nutritionally weak foods and beverages throughout the morning hours. This good start seems to have a halo effect as their diets tend to be lower in cholesterol and fat (saturated and total fat), and higher in vitamins and minerals when compared to those who skip breakfast.

    Monitoring Weight

    • Seventy-five percent of successful weight loss participants weigh themselves at least once a week, according to the National Weight Control Registry. Individuals who want to lose weight need to set a goal that is measurable and realistic. Careful monitoring, on a regular basis, provides feedback on whether changes in behavior cause weight gain or loss. Progress toward the goal provides incentive to continue behaviors that promote weight loss.

    Limiting Television

    • Sixty-two percent of successful weight loss participants watch less than 10 hours of television a week, according to the National Weight Control Registry. Watching television and using computers and handheld electronics are all activities that require zero calorie output. Mindless snacking--consuming calories without regard to level of hunger--is also increased and may even be encouraged by viewing commercials. Transitioning these sedentary hours to more active behaviors burns more calories.

    Daily Exercise

    • Ninety percent of successful weight loss participants average one hour of exercise daily, according to the National Weight Control Registry. Exercise raises metabolism in two key ways: Muscles require energy to perform work, and muscles grow when exercise is done consistently. As a body gains muscle mass, it burns more energy, another positive incentive to make the behavior change a permanent habit.

    Strong Support Network

    • A strong social support network that helps motivate individuals toward weight loss goals is important. Family, friends and colleagues can help prevent sabotaging behaviors that prevent you from reaching your goals and celebrate successes that help you stay on track.

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