Vitamins for Muscle Growth
Amino Acids
One supplement that encourages muscle growth is branch chain amino acids. These amino acids are called essential amino acids because we could not survive without them. However, our bodies do not make them naturally, so we only get branch chain amino acids from foods like red meat and dairy products. The specific names of the amino acids are leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids encourage muscle growth because they preserve the storage of glycogen, which is a carbohydrate stored by muscles that can be used for energy. It also keeps your body from breaking down proteins during a workout.
L-Glutamine is another amino acid. It is present in every muscle in your body. It helps muscle recovery. This is important because you shouldn't work out a fatigued muscle again until it has completely recovered. L-Glutamine will give your muscles a faster recovery time, and then you'll be able to work muscles mores.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide is really a gas that your body produces. It helps your cells communicate with other cells in the body. However, you can buy nitric oxide in a powder form and mix it with water to make a drink. It will open up your blood vessels and increase your blood flow, which will in turn give you a better muscle pump during a workout. Then, your muscles will recover, gaining size and strength.
ZMA is an anabolic mineral formula. It is made scientifically and contains zinc, magnesium and vitamin B-6. Essentially what this supplement does is increase anabolic hormones and testosterone levels, and it's all natural, so it's very safe for your body. The higher your anabolic hormones and testosterone levels, the more strength you can build.
Protein is important because you cannot build muscles without protein. Protein is the building block of muscle growth. While you may be getting a good bit of protein from your diet, you should supplement with protein before and after workouts to maximize muscle growth. There are tons of protein products to choose from.
You should definitely take a multi-vitamin each day. This will help you keep healthy overall, and you are more likely to build muscles if you're healthy. You can also take a vitamin C supplement, which increases your immune system. Some studies also show that Vitamin C helps in muscle development functions for the body, so it's a great vitamin to add to your supplementation list.
Other Supplements
While there are lots more supplements you can take to build muscles, these are the basics and essentials. You can definitely benefit from creatine, human growth hormones, testosterone boosters and other supplements. However, start with the basics, and you can try out different supplements later to see what works best for you.