2 Month Diet Plan Tips
Introduce New Foods
Being on a diet doesn't mean you have to eat the same boring food. Use this two month diet period as an adventure and a way to integrate new healthy food into your diet. For example, eat more red and green bell peppers along with tomatoes. The lycopene in tomatoes and the antioxidants in peppers have metabolism-boosting properties. Roast a red bell pepper and a tomato in a ½ teaspoon of olive oil, two cloves of minced garlic and a dash of sea salt for an insatiable lunch.
Ever tried tofu? Marinade a block of firm tofu in soy sauce and ginger and bake in a skillet with ½ teaspoon of olive oil and two cloves of minced garlic.
Eat Plenty of Protein
Protein is the building block for muscle growth and maintenance. Lean muscle is your body's natural fat burner. In fact 1 pound of muscle burns an extra 30 to 50 calories per day. On average, protein should make up 10 to 15 percent of your daily diet. This includes both plant and animal sources such as chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, yogurt, soybeans, lentils and black beans.
Eat Often
Avoid giving into cravings by eating every few hours throughout the day. Eating small 200 to 250 calorie meals every two to three hours keeps your stomach full and maintains even blood glucose levels. Your day should consist of six small meals that could include an apple and natural peanut butter, a handful of almonds, raw vegetables and dip, yogurt or a small salad with grilled chicken.