Weight Loss Programs for Women
Weight Watchers
As one of the most popular weight-loss programs for women and men, Weight Watchers has "a proven track record of helping dieters to lose weight. Their network of weight loss meetings caters to over 20 million people per week," according to weight-loss expert Anne Collins. This program is based on reducing calories. It assigns each type of food a number of points. Although not restricted in the types of food that can be eaten, Weight Watchers participants are restricted to a certain number of points each day. Support is provided through weekly meetings.
Atkin's Diet
A popular weight-loss diet, the Atkin's Diet is restrictive in the amount of carbohydrates consumed. It advocates a high-protein diet in place of carbs such as white bread, white rice and white potatoes. This weight loss program is conducted in phases. A different reduction in carbs is introduced in each phase.
Jenny Craig Diet Program
In this program, participants are assigned a weight-loss consultant at a Jenny Craig Center in their area who helps determine what foods to eat during weight loss. The food is then ordered through the Jenny Craig system, which is made specifically for those wishing to lose weight while still maintaining a healthful balance of nutrients. It is also possible to join this program at home and speak with consultants over the phone and have the food delivered.
South Beach Diet Program
Similar to the Atkin's Diet, the South Beach Diet promotes a low-carb, high-protein diet. Though it is also divided into phases, the plan is less restrictive than the Atkin's diet. The first phase limits certain types of foods, while the second and third phase slowly incorporate these foods back into a healthful and balanced diet.
The Zone Diet
This program is designed to cut carbohydrate consumption and increase protein, much like the Atkin's and South Beach Diet. The individual is restricted to a certain percentage of carbs, protein and fat each day. The recommended percentages are 30 percent protein, 30 percent fat and 40 percent carbs. Certain types of food are avoided in this diet program.