Fast Weight Loss Body Cleanse
Cleansing Colonics
One of the most common types of body cleansing is the use of enemas or colonics. This requires a tube to be inserted into the anus and warm water rushed into the bowel and colon area. The water collects the fecal matter and other toxins that become stuck and then expels them in a bowel movement.
While enemas and colonics have been used for centuries as a way to cleanse the body of toxins, it was not to be used for weight loss. The body is made up primarily of water, and colonics cause the body to expel large amounts of water to create a rapid weight loss. The weight that is lost is not from fat, but from water. It is a very short-term solution, as the body must regain the water it lost or else face dehydration. Also, frequent enemas and colonics can cause tearing, perforation or infection in the intestine, bowel and anal areas if not done properly.
Diuretics and Water Pills
For some, the need to lose weight quickly is accomplished through the use of laxatives and other diuretics or water pills. Diuretics are meant to be used for constipation, while water pills relieve the body of excess water for bloating or swelling. When these are used on someone without those conditions, the body expels large amounts of water through diarrhea and urination.
Similarly to enemas and colonics, the body loses a few pounds quickly because of water loss, but it is replaced quickly or else you face dehydration. The likelihood of dehydration is greater using these methods because it is not a single event like a colonic, but instead a biological reaction that could last hours. The long-term use of diuretics for weight loss is also a common symptom of someone with an eating disorder who should be seen by a physician or psychiatrist.
Commerial and Natural Cleansers
In the last few years, commercial cleaners and natural cleansing diets have been developed for the specific purpose of weight loss. Commercial cleaners are similar to diuretics in that they make the body have bowel movements or frequent urination. These products have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for this task and face the same problems as diuretics.
Recently, a new fad diet known as the lemonade diet or Master Cleanse diet has sprouted as a way to naturally control hunger and lose weight rapidly. The participant creates a concoction of cayenne pepper, lemons, maple syrup and water to drink throughout the day. This supposedly causes a reduction in hunger. In the evening, the dieter adds sea salt to the mixture to act as a natural diuretic and cause the body to have a bowel movement. While this method does reduce fat because you are not eating much during the day, it also causes the body to lose large amounts of water. Dehydration is not as much a factor because you are replenishing the water throughout the day. This is perhaps the safest way to lose weight by cleansing, but it should not be done for long periods of time.