Protein Diet for Rapid Weight Loss
Defining High Protein
Recommended protein intake varies depending on your activity level. The ADA recommends at least 0.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight for a sedentary individual. For those engaging in endurance activities (running or jogging) or weight training, those numbers climb to 0.65 g/lb and 0.8 g/lb, respectively. Thus, what might be a high-protein diet for one person could be a low-protein diet for another. Keep this in mind when planning your high-protein diet. "High protein" means 10 percent to 20 percent over your recommended intake.
Portioning Protein Intake
Once you have decided how many grams of protein per day to consume, you should portion that equally across your daily meals. When dieting, a good strategy is to consume small, frequent meals throughout the day (every two to three hours). So, if you are planning five meals for the day with a target goal of 100 grams of protein, consume roughly 20 grams per meal to ensure a steady supply.
Types of Protein to Eat
Natural sources of protein are best, so the majority of your protein intake should come from lean meats, eggs, fish, chicken and turkey. If you are having difficulty meeting your daily protein requirements and keeping to this rule, consider adding a protein powder supplement to make up the difference. A quality protein powder can make a tasty meal replacement drink, especially when blended with fruit.
Rounding Out the Diet
High protein does not mean skimping on the other macronutrients, so be sure to eat sufficient carbs and fat to round out your diet and get valuable vitamins and minerals. For carb sources, stick mainly to fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Regarding fats, consume a blend of animal fats, natural fats (like those from coconuts and eggs) and oils (fish, flax and olive are three healthy choices). Eating mostly natural, unprocessed foods is a quick way to improve your body composition, regardless of the number of calories you are consuming.
Although you are aiming for rapid weight loss, do not lose weight too quickly, or you will lose valuable lean muscle mass. Lean muscle tissue is responsible for raising resting metabolic rate, so keeping it is crucial to maintain a healthy metabolism. Aim to lose no more than two or three pounds a week. Monitor this by keeping a food log and counting calories. Weigh yourself at the end of every week. If you are losing weight on track, keep calories consistent. If not, increase or decrease calories by 200 per day and reassess in another week. Constant monitoring and adjustment will ensure that you get the most out of your diet.