How to Walk to Lose Weight 6 Days Per Week
Things You'll Need
- Athletic shoes
Plan. While walking is one of the easiest exercises to undertake, it still involves planning. A proper-fitting pair of athletic shoes is a great place to begin. You need to decide where you will walk; it does not have to be the same place every day. Choose a terrain that is challenging to help raise your heart rate.
Start with low numbers. If you haven't been active for a while, start with a number of minutes with which you feel comfortable. This may be 10 or 15 minutes. As with any new program, it's best not to set goals or expectations too high. A reachable goal will inspire you.
Warm up. One of the most important aspects of any exercise routine is warming up. In addition, always take about four or five minutes to stretch muscles. Stretching, especially the calves and hamstrings, pumps the blood through muscles, preparing them for motion.
Walk briskly. For walking to be effective, your heart rate needs to be elevated and needs to stay elevated. Stand erect. Swing your arms naturally as you walk. Walk on an incline to help raise your heart rate. Remember that you don't always have to walk outside. Treadmills are an excellent way to keep your exercise regime going in any type of weather. Treadmills also have the added ability of increasing difficulty to raise heart rate.
Monitor your heart rate. Your heart rate is important if you want to lose weight while you walk. Specialists agree that getting your heart rate between 70 and 85 percent of your maximum heart rate is a good range to aim for. Many websites offer heart rate calculators.
Cool down. Cooling down is as important as warming up. Slow your pace and allow yourself a few minutes to catch your breath. Stretch the muscles after a workout to reduce risk of sore muscles.