The 21-Day Cleanse

Over time, waste and toxins can accumulate in the body. When these are not expelled, they can result in a myriad of health problems and a general feeling of sluggishness. Fortunately, through a 21-day cleanse, the toxins can be removed from the body resulting in improved health.
  1. Function

    • A 21-day cleanse can be used for a variety of reasons, the most popular being weight loss, to increase energy, improve digestive health, and improve your state of mental clarity.

    Diet Plan

    • During the cleanse, you should avoid all processed and cooked foods, alcohol and caffeine, meats and dairy and you should consume only fruit and vegetable-based foods and liquids. Water, herbal teas, and pure vegetable and fruit juices without added sugars are the only liquids that should be consumed.


    • Women who are pregnant or those with a health condition (such as anemia) that would be exacerbated with a detox plan should avoid using a 21-day cleanse.

    Fun Fact

    • Talk show host Oprah made the 21-day cleanse famous after completing the entire detox plan; she shed excess pounds and claimed to have found new mental clarity and awareness of the importance of healthy eating.

    Time Frame

    • During the first two weeks of the three-week cleanse, uncooked fruits and vegetables should be consumed followed by drinking only vegetable and fruit juices the third week of the cleanse to give the digestive system a rest.

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