Potatoes & Weight Loss
It also helps in weight loss. We feel full and satiated after eating a potato because it is nutrient-dense, non-fattening and moderate in terms of calories. Thus a diet rich in potato may substantially trigger weight loss.
Potato Slows Digestion
Potatoes contain "resistant starch" that slows down the digestion process, increases calorie burn after a meal and also inhibits the hunger hormones that makes you feel hungry all the time.
According to Sandy Huard, President of Women's Health Supply International, "Resistant starch is created when starchy foods are 'cooled'. When a potato is cooked, for example, it absorbs water and swells. As the potato cools, much of the starch crystallizes, forming resistant starch. So, be sure to cool your starches at room temperature or in the refrigerator prior to eating. Don't reheat them because these break down the starch crystals and the benefits mentioned above are essentially gone."
Potatoes Are Nutrient-Dense
Potatoes provide a good nutritional return for the calories. They are also rich in Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and contains trace elements like manganese, molybdenum, chromium and selenium. They are also low in sodium and supply about 20 percent of the daily potassium needs of the body.
Potatoes Are Rich in Vitamin C
Potatoes are rich in Vitamin C. A research study conducted by Arizona State University claims that "individuals consuming sufficient amounts of vitamin C oxidize (burn) 30% more fat during moderate exercise than those who consume insufficient amounts. In addition, too little vitamin C in the bloodstream has been shown to correlate with increased body fat and waist measurements."
Potatoes Help Burn Foods Faster
Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, the main source of ready-made fuel that our body needs. Adam Drewnowski, Ph.D., director of the human nutrition program at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health recommends that "the greatest share of our diet--60 percent--be composed of this fuel. Only a tiny percentage of carbohydrates are ever converted to fat in the body."
Potatoes Fill You Up
One of the toughest aspects of weight loss is hunger. It is difficult to resist the temptation of food while dieting, so the easy way to tackle the food pangs is to eat foods that will fill you up and keep you feeling full. Dr Jacquie Lavin, a weight-loss doctor for Slimming World. says "A key to lasting weight loss is eating foods that make you feel full for longer." Potatoes are very filling and satisfying.
Potatoes Are a Good Source of Fiber
Potatoes are a source of fibre as well. One potato provides 10 percent of the required daily intake of fiber. Fiber is non-digestible and helps to eliminate solid waste from the body. It also helps to move fat rapidly through the digestive system so that fat gets little time to be absorbed, which also can helps in weight loss.