Apple Cleanse
What Is the Apple Cleanse?
The apple cleanse is a method of detoxification. This two-day cleansing routine is meant to help regulate your digestive system and aid in better liver function. All of these things make an impact on burning more calories and fat. The apple cleanse may shrink your stomach, which will help rid the dieter of unwanted sweets and sugar cravings.
For the Best Results
The point of the plan is to eat nothing but apples. Most people eat between three and five apples a day, although some people may need to eat more. People who have high blood pressure or issues with sugar should substitute non-sweet vegetables for apples (lettuce, spinach, celery and cucumbers). But apples work the best for cleansing. Avoid eating bread and potatoes, and you can have no sweets during the cleanse.
For best results, follow this eating routine for two days in a row, then begin your weight loss diet plan. This plan helps regulate the digestive system of unwanted toxins. It also helps your liver to better break down fats.
After the Cleanse
For breakfast, eat scrambled eggs, sticking with organic, if possible. You can scramble them with steamed kale or other greens or add spicy salsa for a metabolism boost. Instead of cooking your eggs in butter, use nonstick cooking spray or a small amount of coconut oil to cook your eggs.
Eat lots of lean meats and cooked green, leafy vegetables for dinner after the cleansing plan has been completed. A good example of a healthy dinner would be about 3 oz. of fish or chicken along with steamed vegetables. You can eat up to three different vegetables with a meal to add flavor and variety. Veggies can be raw or steamed and can be lightly salted, if needed. Starchy foods, such as corn, potatoes and eggplant, are not recommended.