Fast Weight Loss Methods
Skinny in Seven Days
You may be looking to lose a bunch in a week to kick off a long-term weight loss plan or to simply fit into that special dress for a special occasion. Whatever the motivation is, you can make simple modifications in your diet and lifestyle to lose the pounds quickly. First, you should replace alcohol and sugary drinks with water. Not only will you eliminate a ton of calories from your diet, you will also hydrate your cells, making you feel and look wonderful. Try not to eat carbs such as breads and pastas in the week you are trying to shed pounds since they can cause you to bloat and retain water (so do salty foods). Reduce serving portions and get exercise to increase muscle mass and metabolism. If you feel tired during the day, get an extra hour of sleep. This will help your body deal with fewer calories and help you get the energy to work out. Add fruit to your diet to reduce hunger cravings and increase fiber to help your body eliminate what it doesn't need. If you stick to your guns, you should be able to get into that smaller dress and feel great, too.
There are many detoxification and cleansing diets that claim to help you lose lots of weight very fast. While these diets can help you shed pounds quickly, realize that a detox is designed to eliminate toxins and waste that your body hasn't metabolized. As a result, you are able to more efficiently process food and use calories. Weight loss is a byproduct of this.
There are three types of detoxification diets: the fast, the organic food diet and the supplement. The fast is the most aggressive where whole food is removed from your diet for three to 10 days. You consume fresh juice and homemade lemonade drinks. An organic food detox removes all processed foods from your diet and limits food to fresh fruits and vegetables, organic meats and nuts. Supplements help your liver and kidneys function better and assist in eliminating toxins. All detox diets should involve consuming at least two liters of water daily along with your dietary needs.
Diet Pills
There are so many diet pills on the market, both online and in retail stores, it is hard to keep track Along with the selection are many success stories as well as health concerns. Some of the more popular pills are Lipovox, Ephedrasil, Xyphedra and Liponesta. The Internet has many pros and cons about all of these and many sites warn about products with prohibited ingredients. The bottom line is you should always consult your doctor before taking a pill that guarantees weight loss.
Risks of Fast Weight Loss
When you lose weight too fast your body assumes you are in crisis mode. It doesn't understand you are looking to drop a dress size. The result is a change in your metabolism; it slows down to conserve calories. This isn't going to help you lose weight. Other risks of fast weight loss are diarrhea and constipation. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Losing weight fast can also lead to an electrolyte imbalance, fatigue and mood swings.