Green Smoothies for Weight Loss
According to the website, green smoothies contain fresh fruit and leafy greens such as arugula, spinach or green endive. Green smoothies are vital sources of amino acids. Fruit makes green smoothies delicious. Greens make the smoothies nutritional powerhouses. describes the nutritional value of greens. Leafy greens are included among the super foods and are rich in vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Green smoothies also provide vegetarians with amino acids, which help the body make protein (a nutrient lacking in some vegetarian diets). According to, the drink contains omega-3 unsaturated fat, which is beneficial to a healthy immune system.
- cites Dr. Ann Wigmore who invented green smoothies. The Dr. Wigmore found that green smoothies were sources of energy and a way to easily consume and digest nutrient-rich greens. Some green smoothie advocates claim bitter greens, such as kale and spinach, are the most healthful. Others defend sweet, tender greens, such as sprouts and lettuce. There seems to be no consensus. recommends including greens from the mustard family to get sulforaphane, which may prevent clogging of arteries, although no studies are cited.
Weight Loss
The properties that make green smoothies healthful also make them useful for weight loss. claims that green smoothies provide so many nutrients in a single-glass serving that you lose the desire to overeat and to eat foods that lead to weight gain. As your body receives the nutrition it needs and craves, the pounds begin to melt away without the drama of fad diets. Do not think of green smoothies as a quick fix for weight loss. Think of them as part of a new and healthy lifestyle from which you reap nutritional benefits, including weight loss.
Claims about green smoothies for weight loss and other health benefits are not supported by the Food and Drug Administration. Seek medical advice before adding green smoothies to your diet for any reason. Do not go overboard. You may experience digestive problems, since greens have that effect on many people. cautions not to use the same greens too many days in a row---because greens in sustained amounts are toxic.