Stomach Tightening Exercises
Misconceptions About Exercising
Many people believe that the most effective way to lose excess belly fat is to tone their stomach muscles through stomach tightening exercises. However this will only tighten your abdominals underneath your belly fat, not expose them to the public. This can lead to discouragement, causing many to give up on their exercise routine.
Before beginning exercises to tighten your abdominals, you should first work on losing your belly fat through aerobic exercise. As you shed excess pounds, you can begin to incorporate toning exercises which will help tighten and tone your abdominals.
Benefits of Stomach Tightening Exercises
Some people have medical reasons for exercising their abdominals, while for others it is personal; regardless, there are benefits for all who perform them.
As you begin to shed excess pounds and tighten your stomach muscles, you may decrease your risk of developing serious medical conditions such as diabetes.
Toning your stomach muscles also strengthens your core muscles; these are the muscles that help support your back and prevent back injuries from occurring.
Finally, as you begin to tighten your muscles and lose weight from your middle, you may notice an improvement in your posture; this not only relieves stress on your back, but also improves the functioning of your internal organs. When you are consistently slouched, it places undue pressure on your organs, hurting their ability to function correctly. You will also begin to feel a greater sense of self-confidence as you notice an improvement in the shape of your body.
Knowing Where to Start
Before you choose the right abdominal exercises for you, you need to realize that it takes commitment and work on your part to see results. Though there are a plethora of pills and machines which promise to melt belly fat and tone your belly in a month, they are either gimmicks are completely unnecessary.
You also need to realize that if you are just beginning, no matter how motivated and determined you are, it is important to begin slow and move up to a pace or number of repetitions you and your body feel comfortable with. Over-doing it can result in muscle strain, which will only set you back in your efforts.
Finally, when performing stomach tightening exercises, alternate the days you work out, setting aside three days a week for your exercises. This gives your stomach muscles time to repair themselves on the off days. This rest is needed for your muscles to become lean and toned.
The Exercises
The first is a Russian Twist, and is effective for all abdominal and back muscles, including the sometimes neglected obliques. In a sitting position with your back straight, lean back into a 45 degree angle and your hands straight in front of you. With your lower body still, twist your upper body slowly from left to right for three sets of 8 to 15 repetitions. For more of a challenge, lean back further or hold a weight as you twist.
Leg lifts are another beneficial exercise for tightening your stomach muscles. Lying flat on your back, your hands either side of you, raise your legs slowly into the air with your knees bent and your feet together. Slowly lower them to the ground without letting them touch the floor; the closer to the ground they get, the more of a challenge it is for your abdominals. Perform three sets of 8 to 15 repetitions.
Finally pelvic tilts are excellent for toning your lower abdominals. Simply lie on the floor with your back pressed against it, knees bent and feet flat. Keeping your upper abdominals isolated, slowly lift your pelvis toward the ceiling, holding it in place for a moment or two before slowly lowering. Repeat three sets of 8 to 15 repetitions.