Fast Weight Loss With Fruit
Fruit Fasting
Fruit fasting is one way to lose weight with fruit. You simply decide to eat nothing but fresh, raw fruit. There are a couple of ways to go about a fruit fast. One is the mono-diet way, in which you decide to only eat one kind of fruit for a certain number of days. Oranges, apples and bananas are popular choices for one-food fasts, especially bananas, because they have more bulk and people tend to feel more full and satisfied after eating them. Mono-diets can be easy to buy and plan for, but can get boring after a while.
Another way to go on a fruit fast is to eat any fresh fruit. This is a pleasant way to fast, as you can have a huge variety of fruits. But you will also need to watch your portions to make sure you are in fact fasting. You can consume too much food and overeat on a fruit fast.
Juice Fasting
A relatively quick way to lose weight with fruit is by going on a juice fast. Juice fasting is the process of eating nothing but fresh juice or juice smoothies for a certain number of days. Some may lose as much as 3 or 4 lbs. a day while juice fasting, although the average amount is 1 lb. per day. Juice fasting may not only assist in losing weight, but it may help your body to detoxify itself and can improve digestion. It may also help you overcome physical or psychological addictions to overeating.
Remember to consult with your doctor before starting any weight-loss plan. Fasting from certain kinds of foods may cause health problems in some people, so be certain of how your new way of eating will affect your overall health before you begin. Diets that are too low in calories can result in fatigue, bruising, depression, hair loss and lack of energy. Fasts are not meant to be permanent, and due to the high intake of sugar while on fruit fasts, should not be undertaken for longer than a few days.