Ice Water for Weight Loss
Losing Weight by Drinking Ice Water
There is no doubt that drinking enough water is an important key to losing weight. Ice-cold water acts as an appetite suppressant, fights dehydration and can help increase metabolism by flushing out your system and increasing kidney function.
Besides these benefits, drinking the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of ice-cold water burns about 64 calories a day, according to Dr. Clemens (see References 1), because your body has to work to bring the water temperature up to your body's temperature. Therefore, drinking ice-cold water not only hydrates you, but improves your metabolism somewhat as well.
For this to actually work, though, the water has to be extremely cold. Try placing a bottle of water in the freezer, removing it just before the water completely freezes.
Why the "Water Diet" Does Not Work
The "Water Diet" talked up by some advocates is purported to help in weight loss. According to, however, the diet merely suggests you drink the recommended eight glasses of water a day, in addition to any other fluids. The diet could cause problems, because an overly enthusiastic user would be at risk of overhydration, a dangerous condition. It is also inefficient: in order to burn enough calories to lose a pound of weight, you would have to drink 435 glasses of ice water. Ice water can be part of a healthy weight-loss program, but it won't work miracles.