Quick Weight Loss Secrets
Food Choices
Developing a meal plan is a good first step in a quick weight-loss diet. Choose foods that are low in unsaturated fats and keep fat calories at 25 percent of your overall calorie intake. Sugar intake should be limited or completely eliminated. Sugar encourages food cravings and will make it difficult to stick to a low-calorie, low-fat diet.
Fiber from fruits and vegetables should make up the largest portion of your meal plan. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains will help you to feel full at every meal when included in your quick weight-loss diet.
Water is also a good way to feel full and keep the body healthy and hydrated. Eight cups of water a day has been the standard recommended water intake, but recently the recommendation has changed to a half-ounce of water for every pound of body weight.
Aerobic activity in combination with weight bearing exercise is the best approach to weight loss. Cardiovascular exercise or aerobic activity burns calories while the exercise is performed, and weight lifting continues the calorie burn after the exercise is stopped.
Walking is an aerobic activity that is suitable for beginners as well as those who have been at it for a long time. Walking is an enjoyable exercise that's not hard on the joints for those who have trouble getting around. Swimming is another exercise that is easy on the joints and still gets the heart pumping.
Lifestyle Changes
Skipping meals and starvation diets are not an appropriate way for quick weight loss. While you may experience a loss during this type of plan, it is not long-lasting, and the weight will come back when the diet is stopped.
The worst things that you can do when trying to lose weight as efficiently as possible is skip meals. Plan to eat smaller meals throughout the day and make a plan for snacking. Instead of the typical three-meals-a-day diet, try dividing meals into six. Healthy snacking on vegetables and fruits will also help to avoid hunger and binge eating.