Tricks and Secrets to Fast Weight Loss
Drink Water
The first step to losing weight quickly is drinking a lot of water. The Changing Shape website reports that "[w]ater is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off longer term..." and that water "...acts as an appetite suppressant by keeping your stomach full and fending off dehydration which can lead to false cravings/hunger." Not only that, but water flushes waste out of kidneys. The reason this is important is because when there is too much waste in the kidneys, the liver will help the kidney clean the waste, and that stops the liver from metabolizing fat for energy. Changing Shape also reports that drinking cold water "...burns about 62 calories a day" which leads to a total of "430 calories per week" burned by doing nothing more than drinking water.
Avoid Sweets
Though it may seem obvious how an important avoiding sweet treats is to weight loss, it is important to understand just why sweets can be a huge problem in a diet. Weight Loss GI Diet reports that "[n]umerous studies have linked table sugar to increased calorie consumption." This is because when people eat sweets, it excites the taste buds. This causes you to want to eat more sweets and more of anything else in general. So although sugar isn't as bad for you as fat, it should be avoided. Weight Loss GI Diet also reports that sugar makes your body lose chromium. They report that "...chromium is a mineral that helps your body build calorie-burning lean tissue..." like muscles, which burn more calories at rest than fat cells.
Eat Smaller, Balanced Meals More Often
One of the major problems that Americans face in losing weight is their meal distribution. Americans mostly eat three large meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, spread apart by five or six hours. This eating schedule is convenient, as it fits into the busy lifestyle of many Americans. However, this diet schedule also leads to snacking between meals. The metabolism of the human body generally needs a small amount of food every two to three hours to work at its most efficient. Weight Loss Lib website suggests that you should "[b]reak up your meals into 5 or 6 smaller ones" because "this will help speed up your metabolism and keep you from getting too hungry in between meals." This may seem odd to the average American who is used to large and hearty meals, but this eating schedule will lead to a stronger metabolism.
Eat Lots of Fiber
Eating foods high in fiber is one of the most important ways to lose weight, stay regular and keep healthy. The reason fiber is so important is because of the role it plays in your digestive process. Fiber comes only in plant foods like vegetables. Fiber can't be digested by the human body. As a result, it attaches itself to other kinds of foods and simply moves throughout your system. It tends to latch onto protein and fat, which prevents these high-calorie foods from being digested. High protein foods are also low in calories and are filling. Changing Shapes suggest strawberries, apples, figs, chickpeas, potatoes, broccoli, brown rice, beans, bran and nuts as good sources of fiber.