Facts About Losing Weight
Obesity and being overweight can have a negative impact on your health and well being. So, it is important to maintain a healthy weight. By doing so, you'll reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Time Frame
You can safely reduce your body weight by one or two pounds a week by reducing your daily calories alone. Consume 500 fewer calories a day and you'll consume 3,500 fewer calories a week.
Set aside time for physical activity each day---at least 30 minutes. Effective exercises for weight loss include aerobics, running and brisk walking. You can also slim your stomach, thighs and arms with core workouts, leg lifts, squats and weightlifting.
Eating the wrong types of foods contributes to weight gain. Adopt better eating habits and prepare low-fat meals. Choose lean meats and reduce fats; and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also control your weight by limiting your intake of sugar and carbohydrates (carbs).
Expert Insight
Don't underestimate the role water plays in weight loss. Fluid or water retention can add pounds. But you can quickly shed water weight by increasing your fluid intake (eight glasses of water a day), and eating foods with a high-water content, such as lettuce, watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and grapefruit.