Six Meal Diet Plan
Plan Your Meals
Part of sticking to a diet depends on if it is easy enough to follow each day. To make this possible, preplan your daily meals. Each week you should sit down and plan your meals for the week. Create a list and get all your shopping done in one trip. It is also important to look at your schedule and determine whether or not it is possible to eat six meals each day at regular intervals. You may have to change you schedule to accommodate this or plan on packing a few meals for some days. Preparation is the key to success.
For the six meal diet plan to work the meals you eat must be a smaller portion than you ate with three meals a day. Consume 25-30% fewer calories than usual each day if you are looking to lose weight at a quick, healthy pace. Plan your meals at regular intervals, about three hours apart. This will keep blood sugar levels even, your metabolism running, and your appetite feeling satisfied to avoid overeating. You first meal should be eaten soon after waking to jumpstart your metabolism. Don't eat anything for about two to three hours before bed.
Meals should be healthy and balanced. Opt for natural food rather than highly processed foods that are hard on the digestive system. Half of each meal should contain fresh vegetables or fruit. A quarter of the meal is protein and the final quarter is carbohydrate or legumes.