How Can I Lose 25 Pounds in Four Weeks?
Colon Cleansing Identification
Undigested foods, particularly, meat, is accumulated as mucus in the colon. Cleansing the colon or detoxifying the body leads to an extreme weight loss. There are two methods of colon cleansing: supplements or visiting a professional practitioner.
Detox Methods
Supplements such as laxatives, probiotics powder/capsule (also known as anti-parasitic supplements), enemas, herbal tea and home-made juices (Lemon Chili) can all be found in health food shops or pharmacies. These supplements are taken orally or anally and cause the colon to expel the mucus build-up.
A visit to a doctor for a colon cleanse is similar to an enema in that water is used to flush out the toxins. The patient lies on a table and a pressured machine pumps up to twenty gallons of water into the rectum through a tube. The procedure is repeated a few times and the consultation usually lasts an hour.
After a thorough detox, an individual can lose up to 15 pounds or more. Intense exercise and diet regime is required to lose the other half of the weight goal.
Counting Calories
Various diets exist to help increase weight loss.
There are many types of caloric shifting. One method is to adjust the current amount of caloric intake to the amount recommended for the ideal weight goal. For example, if you are eating to maintain a weight of 150 pounds but your weight goal is 125 pounds -- then you must adjust your caloric intake as if you are maintaining your ideal weight of 125 pounds.
Alternative Diet Options
The Atkins diet reduces carbohydrates and increases protein, like meat, cheese and eggs, in the diet. High carb foods like bread and rice are forbidden and only 20 grams of low-carbohydrate vegetables like tomato and broccoli are permitted. The body reaches a state called ketosis in which it is forced to use fat in the body, instead of carbs, to re-energize.
Raw Food diet is based on "live" foods where no more than 70 percent of the food is cooked above 115 degrees Fahrenheit. It is mostly vegetables and a few raw meat products like beef or fish. Eating raw foods maintains the proper vitamins and minerals to nourish the body. Also, it limits the use of excessive oil for cooking since most of the "cooked" foods a prepared by steaming, baking or boiling which are healthier options.
Physical Activity
Finally, intense physical activity burns fat which reduces weight. Exercise once in the morning and once in the evening. Limit the use of weights or resistance training. Muscles help burn more calories and fat, however they also add to the overall weight. A cardio routine that consists of 80 percent of your maximum heart rate for forty minutes to one hour is ideal. Switching back and forth from low to high intensity cardio can also help burn more fat.