Light Workout Plan to Lose Weight
Amount of Activity
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, adults need 2 1/2 hours of aerobic activity at a moderately intense pace every week to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, one that is generally associated with a reasonable weight. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also suggests incorporating strength training exercises on two days a week to build muscle. The 2 1/2 hours of aerobic activity can be distributed however you prefer throughout the week's course. Any physical activity that raises the heart rate, shortens the breath, and causes you to break a sweat can be considered aerobic exercise.
Types of Activity
Physical activity that can count toward fulfilling the 2 1/2 hours-a-week goal include:
brisk walking
low-impact aerobics classes
swimming laps (at a slow to moderate pace)
riding a bike (on a flat surface)
roller blading
dancingYou may also be able to count some of the following daily activities as aerobic exercise if you can manage to do them at a brisk pace:
cleaning the house
walking up the stairs (instead of using an elevator)
Exercise Routines
In order to incorporate more physical activity in a daily routine that will result in weight loss, it is important to start with a plan. You will be more likely to stick with any arrangement if you set some goals. Begin with a commitment to stick with the light workout plan until you reach your personal weight loss goals, and then put the plan in action by creating an exciting, appealing and achievable routine.
Considerations and Benefits
Besides physical activity, you may want to consider putting some effort into eating nutritiously. Focusing on a healthy diet will allow you to maximize the efforts of your workout plan and reach your weight-loss goals more quickly.
There are also several health benefits to losing weight though diet and exercise which include, but are not limited to the following:
better sleep
lower risk of heart disease and diabetes
reduces the risk of certain cancers
adds to the quality of life
sets a good example for a healthy lifestyle to children and other family members