Food for Losing Weight
Fruits are packed with vitamins, and they're a natural, healthy way to get your sweet fix. Apples are especially good for weight loss, because they are loaded with fiber. The fiber makes you feel fuller, so you eat less. For an extra special treat, cut the apple in slices and sprinkle with ½ tsp. each of allspice and cinnamon. Blueberries are the perfect snack for weight loss, because they are rich in antioxidants and full of fiber. Besides making you feel fuller, fiber may prevent some of the fat from the food you eat from being absorbed. Pomegranates are one of the best choices for all-around health. They are packed with antioxidants, high in fiber and low in calories. All of these fruits can help get you through those rough times when you're craving something sweet but don't want to blow your diet.
Avocados may be high in fat, but it's the "good" fat, better known as monounsaturated fat, so feel free to snack away. Kale is a type of spinach. It is the perfect addition to your heart-healthy meal, because 1 cup of chopped, raw kale only has 34 calories. Kale is high in fiber, iron and calcium. Lentils are extremely underrated, and more people should take advantage of their tummy-flattening qualities. Lentils are high in soluble fiber and protein, both of which stabilize blood sugar levels. By keeping insulin at a normal level, lentils keep the body from producing excess fat. Use chiles to spice up your food and speed up your metabolism. Also, chiles contain capsaicin, which causes the body to burn extra calories for up to 20 minutes after you finish your meal.
Meats and Seafood
Believe it or not, steak may actually help you shed extra pounds. According to Self Magazine, a study conducted by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that women who included red meat as a part of their diet lost more weight than women who ate small quantities of beef. If you like seafood, feel free to feast on sardines and wild salmon. These types of fish have plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which build muscle and decrease abdominal fat. Also, wild salmon is a very healthy choice because it contains fewer pollutants compared to other fish. Chicken breast is always a good choice, because it is low in calories and high in protein--just don't saute it in butter or smother it with gravy.