Metabolism-Boosting Supplements
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B complex is a group of vitamins that work together to help metabolize fats, protein and carbohydrates. The individual vitamins in the vitamin B complex also help to produce healthy red blood cells as well as support cardiovascular health. They also work together to make the central nervous system healthy and strong. All of these elements combined help to boost metabolism.
Protein Shakes
Protein supplements in the form of powders made from whey protein or soy protein, can be used to make shakes. Protein takes longer to digest and therefore keeps you feeling full for longer as well as helping to balance blood sugar levels. The body has to work harder and burns more calories digesting protein. This boosts the metabolic rate. Protein also helps with muscle development. Developed muscles are also known to speed metabolism.
The thyroid gland is responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism. When the thyroid gland is sluggish you may feel symptoms such as fatigue and unexplained weight gain. Natural therapists recommend the use of kelp to support the thyroid and metabolism. Kelp supplements are high in iodine, an important mineral for hormones produced by the thyroid gland and kelp supplements are believed to support a healthy thyroid gland.
Digestive Enzymes
There are several digestive enzymes that occur naturally in the body or are derived from foods such as fruits, vegetables and sprouted grains. These enzymes are responsible for helping the body digest lactose, protein, carbohydrates and fats. When these are at low levels in the body, a variety of digestive problems may occur and metabolism is affected. A supplement of digestive enzymes will aid in speeding up digestion and preventing digestive upsets.
Probiotics are supplements containing good bacteria similar to the good bacteria found naturally in the stomach. Natural therapists claim this bacteria combats the unhealthy bacteria that can build up through stress, various medications, environmental pollution and unhealthy foods. Probiotics are believed to support the health of the intestines and the bowels, improving and speeding up digestion as well as assisting with the elimination of waste from the body.