Chinese Almonds for Weight Loss
Lowering Cholesterol and Losing Weight With Almonds
The Journal of the American Medical Association reported a four-week study with 46 study participants who were divided into three groups. One group ate a diet low in saturated fat based on whole-grain cereals and low-fat dairy foods. Group number two ate the same diet, but also took a statin drug lovastatin, while the group ate a diet with a high almond content, along with plant-sterols, non-meat protein and lots of fiber.
The conclusion of the study found that the first group had LDL levels drop by 8%, group number two had LDL levels drop by 30% and the final group had LDL levels drop by 28%.
Heart Disease and Cholesterol Levels
The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an article explaining that heart disease risk correlates directly with cholesterol levels and inflammation of the blood vessels. That means that simply following a diet that uses almonds on a regular basis may effectively lower LDL levels and C-reactive protein levels, one of the main causes of inflammation. In the study published by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, participants followed a strict diet called the Portfolio Eating Plan. During the study, C-reactive protein levels fell by as much as 24%.
Almonds and Weight Loss
Almonds contain what are referred to as healthy fats. Nuts are high in fat, but since it is considered to be a healthy fat, most health experts have determined that it's an okay fat to eat. One reason almonds are so helpful for weight loss is because of the nutrient density. When a body is well-nourished and healthy, it no longer craves food, or people will oftentimes crave foods that are healthy and good for them, such as fruits and vegetables.
The International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders published a study about 65 overweight participants who added almonds to their low-fat diet. After approximately six months following the diet, those who followed the low-fat diet and ate almonds on a daily basis all saw a reduction in body weight, water weight and systolic blood pressure.