Micronutrient Diets to Lose Weight
Vitamin C
In "The Thyroid Diet: Manage Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss," Mary J. Shomon argues that vitamin C is a helpful vitamin for those looking to lose a lot of weight. Vitamin C, when consumed in dosages over 2,000 milligrams a day, helps to increase your metabolic rate and you can burn off an additional 100 calories a day by taking the supplement in large doses. Vitamin C can cause diarrhea and abdominal cramping; therefore, you should start consuming vitamin C at a dosage of 500 milligrams a day. You can up your intake daily by 500 milligrams to see how much you can tolerate without adverse side effects. Once you have determined the dosage that is right for you, continue consuming that amount of Vitamin C throughout your weight loss endeavors.
Vitamin C can also be derived from a variety of food sources. Natural food sources for vitamin C include blueberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, canned tomatoes, cantaloupe, cauliflower, citrus juices, cooked green vegetables, cranberries, fresh tomatoes, grapefruit, green peppers, kiwi, mango, oranges, papaya, pineapple, potatoes, raspberries, raw vegetables, red peppers, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, turnip greens, watermelon and winter squash.
Vitamin B5
Mary J. Shomon also explains the benefits of Vitamin B5 in weight loss efforts. Vitamin B5 helps to lower your triglyceride levels in your blood and boosts metabolic processes. Consuming 600 to 900 milligrams of Vitamin B5 in supplement form may help to diminish the amount of visceral fats in your body. You can derive Vitamin B5 from food sources such as avocado, beef, beef kidney, beef liver, brewer's yeast, broccoli, cauliflower, cereals, chicken, corn, duck, egg yolks, fresh meats, kale, legumes, lentils, lobster, milk, organ meats and peanuts. You can get B5 vitamins from peanuts, salmon, soybeans, split peas, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turkey, unprocessed grains, vegetables, wheat germ and whole grain breads.
In "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals," Dr. Alan H. Pressman and Sheila Buff explain the benefits of calcium for weight loss endeavors. A high-calcium, low-calorie diet can result in you losing weight twice as fast when compared to a low-calorie diet alone. Calcium hinders your body's fat making processes and augments your metabolic rate before foods and fats are broken down.
Calcium food sources include almonds, American cheese, blackstrap molasses, bok choy, Brazil nuts, brewer's yeast, broccoli, cabbage, canned salmon, cheddar, collard greens, dandelion greens, dark leafy greens, dried figs, feta cheese, gruyere, hazelnuts, kale, kelp, milk, mozzarella cheese, mustard greens, oysters, parmesan cheese, Romano cheese, sardines, Swiss chard, tofu, turnip greens and yogurt.