Maximum Metabolism Diet
Eating Habits
Eat breakfast everyday. The moment you consume food in the morning, your metabolism starts to work. This will also help to balance your blood sugar levels throughout the day and decrease the desire to snack at night. When you skip breakfast, your body doesn't start to burn calories as fast until later in the day. Eat approximately six small, healthful meals throughout the day at two- to three-hour intervals. This keeps your metabolism working all through the day.
Raw fruit and vegetables
Include plenty of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. These are high in dietary fiber as well as antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals. Raw fruits and vegetables also contain digestive enzymes that help your body to digest lactose, protein, carbohydrates and fats much faster through the day. Ginger helps your body to create more of its own digestive enzymes and may also be added to salads or juices.
Eat protein. Protein takes longer to digest and therefore keeps you feeling full for longer as well as helping to balance blood sugar levels. Protein also helps with muscle development, and muscles help the metabolism work faster. Protein can be found in all meat as well as dairy, eggs, nuts, beans and soy products. There are protein supplements available in the form of powders made from whey or soy. These are high in protein and very low in calories.
Cayenne pepper and other hot spices and foods speed up the metabolism by increasing the blood flow and heart rate in the body. They also assist with digestion and help to eliminate waste from the bowels. Mustard is said to boost the metabolism by helping create more digestive enzymes, and turmeric is said to assist in metabolizing fats. Cinnamon reduces sugar cravings, helps the body metabolize sugars and regulates blood sugar levels.
Tea and Coffee
Tea and coffee contain caffeine. Caffeine speeds the heart rate, blood flow and metabolism for several hours after it is consumed. It stimulates the nervous system as well, and too much of it can lead to irritability and insomnia. Monitor your caffeine intake and don't exceed two to three cups a day. Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine as well as a epigallocatechin gallate, which is a healthy catechin that speeds up the nervous system and helps you burn more calories.