Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast
Eat Breakfast
When the metabolism is sluggish, the body does not burn calories as well. In order to increase metabolism, eat breakfast upon waking. Your body will begin the process of digestion, thereby increasing metabolism. Protein and complex carbohydrates burn more slowly than simple carbohydrates and will help your metabolism stay high much longer. Protein can be found in meats, nuts, cheese, and eggs. Complex carbohydrates are found in large amounts in fruits and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates are most often in the form of sugary or processed foods and high calorie drinks. Eat a breakfast high in protein and complex carbohydrates daily to increase energy and metabolism.
Drink Water
Staying hydrated is very important in the battle against weight gain. Water is necessary for optimal liver function, and without it, the liver is unable to process fats as efficiently. Water also helps to fill the stomach and stop you from overeating as well as inhibit false hunger signals that are often sent to the brain when your body becomes dehydrated. In addition, according to USA Today, dieters who drink water instead of sugary drinks will lose 5 additional pounds per year. Consume at least 2 liters of water daily for healthy weight loss.
Count Calories
Women should consume no more than 1,800 calories per day if they are sedentary, 2,000 if moderately active, and 2,200 if active. Calorie intake for males is slightly higher at 2,400 for sedentary men, 2,800 for males who are moderately active and 3,000 for active men. These recommendations may vary somewhat depending on height, weight , age and activity level. Since a pound of fat is 3,500 calories, you will need to reduce calorie intake by at least 500 per day to lose one pound of fat per week. Keep a journal and record daily calorie intake and adjust as needed to lose weight.