Pros & Cons of Phentermine
Supressed Appetite
Because many people who take Phentermine are at a high risk of having a heart attack or other serious medical problem if they do not lose weight quickly, this drug can be advantageous because it suppresses a person's appetite enough that users simply will not have the physical need to eat as much as they did before they started the medication.
Healthy Lifestyle
Phentermine can only be purchased with a subscription. Because a doctor is already involved with the process, he will direct the person in need of the medication about steps that should be taken in addition to taking Phentermine. Doctors advise Phentermine users about healthy choices they can make in their lives. The doctors will typically encourage patients to undertake a workout regime and receive support they need to make healthier choices. This support sometimes includes sessions with a therapist.
As is true with most prescription medications, there is a risk of addiction. This is particularly true in those people who have seen success, but feel as if they have not lost enough weight. Losing weight can become an obsession and some Phentermine users feel they can only lose weight with this medication. This creates a dependency on the drug.
Side Effects
If there are signs of an allergic reaction, such as swelling on the face, lips or tongue, quit using the pills immediately and contact your doctor. Similarly, if you are experiencing an increased shortness of breath or are feeling chest pain or an irregular heartbeat, contact your doctor. There also may be minor side effects such as dry mouth, headaches or itching.
Other serious side effects could occur if phentermine is taken with fenfluramine as fen-phen. This combination has been shown to cause heart valve damage in those who use it for an extended period of time.
Because phentermine can affect a fetus or a newborn, you should not take phentermine if pregnant or breast-feeding unless you first get approval from your doctor.
Limited Use
Phentermine is not something that can be used by the average person who wants to lose 10 to 15 pounds. It can only be used by the clinically obese. If you are trying to lose weight for a vacation or reunion, you will need to lose weight the old-fashioned way--diet and exercise.