Herbalife Nutrition Clubs
According to Herbalife's 2008 Annual Report, their nutrition clubs, and other "best practice business methods" such as commercial clubs, weight loss challenges, total plans, and wellness coaches, are meant to globalize their product and increase revenue. The nutrition club's purpose is therefore to help distributors further distribute the Herbalife product. The report continues by stating that much of their success for the year can be partially attributed to the nutrition clubs.
Herbalife nutrition clubs are located around the world with over 1.9 million independent distributors around the globe. The nutrition clubs occur in whatever location a distributor chooses. Some distributors hold the meetings in their homes, while others acquire office space or recreation rooms in gyms. The clubs are great for building support of weight loss, and establishing a community of people with a common purpose. Meetings include the sampling of Herbalife products, which are of course offered for purchase. The distributors are encouraged to also educate group members about their potential opportunities as a distributor.
Many of the distributors know much about nutrition and fitness and are a great resource to help achieve your weight loss goals. However, if you have a passion for helping others attain their optimal health and the ability to learn, you can become a distributor if a guide (a somewhat senior distributor) chooses to mentor you. Distributors are told that they should use the nutrition clubs as a selling tool for the Herbalife products, so there is a financial incentive to holding the clubs. Also, according to Herbalife's 2008 Annual Report, distributors earn a percentage of what their recruited distributors sell.
Members of the nutrition clubs pay $40 to participate. A portion of that money goes to Herbalife's charity for helping children's nutritional needs. The rest of the participation fee is used for prizes for members in the group. Each meeting, someone wins a prize based on his weight loss progress. Other costs to the members come from the purchase of Herbalife's products. Products range from the basic nutritional shakes and multivitamins to products that increase your metabolism and give you a night of restful sleep. Herbalife products are expensive; however, distributors can purchase them at discounted prices.
In the News
Several newspapers across the country have featured articles about Herbalife nutrition clubs in their areas. The Rutland and Stamford Mercury featured a story partially about Caroline, a woman who decided to open up an Herbalife nutrition club after losing much weight with Herbalife's products. She said, "I was morbidly obese before I was introduced to the Herbal Life products and I started to lose weight straight away. I realized others could do the same and decided to hold a group in Corby Glen." Several other papers feature similar stories as people attend Herbalife nutrition clubs and become their own success stories.