How Many Calories Are in One Pound of Fat?
Calories In One Pound of Fat
Many people are shocked to learn that a single pound of fat on a human being harbors around 3,500 calories. When you consider that about an hour running on a treadmill generally burns 300 to 700 calories depending on the intensity, it's easy to understand why many people have so much trouble losing weight. Although the prospect of weight loss may sound daunting when you consider these statistics, things seem a little more manageable when you learn how your resting metabolic rate influences fat-burning.
Is 3500 Calories A Lot?
To get a better idea of how much 3,500 calories really amounts to, consider these facts:
According to the Wisconsin Department of Health and Human Services, it would take about seven hours of general aerobic activity to burn off a single pound of fat. It would take roughly 16 hours of playing football or baseball and about three to four hours of running to eliminate 3,500 calories. By contrast, a daily serving of french fries from McDonalds can pack on a full pound of fat in a single week.
Resting Metabolic Rate
The resting metabolic rate is an important factor to consider when trying to lose weight. Basically, this is the amount of calories required for basic bodily functions like breathing, organ operation and so on. The resting metabolic rate for each person varies depending on gender, height and weight. Larger, taller individuals typically require more calories for basic bodily functions. Men also tend to burn more calories than women because they tend to have more muscle.
General activity level has a lot to do with weight loss. Simple things like housework, walking up and down stairs, child care and cleaning can help burn extra calories. Over time, even simple tasks really can add up. Mix in recreational activities like golf, tennis, cycling and dancing, and weight loss can become more feasible. Yes, there are a lot of calories in a pound of fat, but simple lifestyle changes can help make a significant impact. Although consistent exercise at the gym will go a long way toward reducing your waistline, ramping up your daily activity can also bring you that much closer to your goal.
Realistic Goals
When you consider just how many calories are in one pound of fat, you can see why weight loss should be viewed as a long-term goal. Rapid weight loss is not only difficult, it's unhealthy. Slow steady progress is the key to realistic weight loss. A smart, healthy goal for weight loss is generally no more than two pounds per week.
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