Free Weight Loss by Hypnosis
Identifying Weaknesses
In order to make the changes you need, you must identify what specific areas have kept you from losing weight. Perhaps you have a bit of a sweet tooth and eat more sweets than you should. Other common food weaknesses are salty foods and fast food. You may have trouble getting yourself to the gym on a regular basis. Overeating can be a major problem, especially when it comes to snacking throughout the day. Eating too late at night also can cause weight gain. Analyze your eating habits and identify the problem areas.
Writing Your Script
Once you have determined your weaknesses, you need to write hypnotic suggestions into a script. For example if you identified that a specific food craving is a problem, you may write something like, "I will not eat sweets" and "I will not crave sweet foods." If your problem relates to eating too much, you might choose to write a line that says, "I will eat only when I'm hungry" and "I will stop eating when I'm full." Write out a hypnotic suggestion for each of your weaknesses, and choose three to five to speak aloud to yourself while in the hypnotic state. This will be your first script.
Entering the Hypnotic State
Most people find it easiest to enter the hypnotic state by listening to a pre-recorded CD. You also can listen to relaxing music and focus on relaxing your muscles, allowing yourself to fall into an almost dreamlike state. Practice bringing yourself into a hypnotic state before you introduce your script. Once you have been able to hypnotize yourself with little difficulty for a couple of weeks, it's time to introduce your script. While you are in the hypnotic state, speak your script aloud from memory. It is possible to read from a piece of paper instead, but this can bring you out of the hypnotic state.
Finishing the Program
Once you have used your first script for a couple months, you should begin to notice changes in your behavior. Now, it's time to use other suggestions you had written out to make a new script. Continue to make and use new scripts until you have gotten through all of your hypnotic suggestions. You also can choose to revisit old scripts to help reinforce the behaviors on them. Once you have lost the weight, you will find that these new habits will stick with you and help to maintain your weight.