How to Do Interval Training and Burn Lots of Fat
Have you ever noticed that the sprinters always have a MUCH better physique than the marathon runners? While the marathon runners usually look sickly, undefined and generally "skinny-fat", the sprinters tend to have a muscular, lean and well defined look. This is no coincidence. It has been shown time and time again that a quick sprinting work out does your body much more good than an hour long steady-state cardio work out.The most effective cardio work out, however, is know as High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT. You can easily shed a few pounds of fat a week doing this work out and I'll show you how.
Things You'll Need
- A treadmill that has a timer built into it.
- Lots of water
- Sweat Towel
Start with a walking warm up. For five minutes you need to just walk at a steady pace. Don't go too slow here, though. After all it's called a warm up so you should be walking at a quick enough pace that you feel you are warming your body up.
I know that the step sounds easy, but it's just as important as every other step in the work out. Whatever you do, don't skip it to save time. I made the terrible mistake of attempting this hard core work out without a warm up once and I ended up hurting myself.
Sprint as fast as you can! Do this for ONE full minute without stopping or slowing down at all. At first you may only be able to sprint at about 5 or 6 miles an hour, but each week you'll find that the speed you are comfortable maintaining increases.
This sprint should be so intense that you can't even talk while doing it. You want to feel a burn the SECOND you begin the sprint. Keep in mind that you do have to maintain the sprint for a full minute though, so don't go TOO intense right at first.
You should have definitely broke a sweat by the end of this first minute.
Jog at a comfortable pace. Do this for two minutes. This jog should not quite be a full blown run, but it shouldn't resemble walking. You should be able to carry on a normal conversation at this pace, but breathing deeply.
Use the time to towel off a bit and sip some water to help you recover for the next round.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 four or five more times. Each time you complete 1 minute of sprinting followed by 2 minutes of jogging, it is considered one "round". There should be about four to five rounds per Interval Training session. Try to keep the speeds of your sprints and jogs consistent throughout the work out.
Remember, do NOT stop at all during this workout or you are defeating the full purpose of doing it. This work out will get your heart rate SO incredibly high that you might feel like it's going to explode out of your chest. As frightening as this may be, it's actually very healthy for you. Just keep up the intensity, performing this work out 2 to 3 times a week and watch the fat melt away over the course of one or two months.