Eating Every Other Day for Weight Loss
Healthy Nutrition
If you're thinking about skipping meals to lose weight faster--don't. Skipping meals or eating every other day may sound like a way to reduce calories, but it actually is very unhealthy. Going long periods of time without food sends your body into "starvation" mode. In doing so, the body holds on to the calories that you have consumed, turning them into fat. The key to weight loss is a healthy, balanced diet where you eat every single day. If you choose a consistent eating plan filled with important nutrients, it won't feel like a "diet," and you'll be able to keep it up for a long time. Protein, like eggs, beans, tofu, and skinless poultry, help you build and maintain muscle, and keep you feeling full longer. Be sure to also incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. The amount of calories needed per day to keep your body running optimally but still lose weight varies per individual. If you need extra help planning your nutrition, consult with your doctor for guidance.
Combining exercise with a balanced diet is an effective way to lose weight and will help you lose the extra pounds quicker than diet alone. If you're out of shape, you should start slowly. Eventually, aim for 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity, three to five days per week. Cardiovascular exercise includes anything that gets your heart pumping: basketball, swimming, running, hiking or dancing are all great cardio workouts. Mix up your cardio with strength training on your off days, and aim for 2-4 of these days per week. Strength training quickly tones and strengthens your muscles, and great strength training exercises include weight lifting, yoga and pilates. If you're not sure what you'll like, feel free to try several different activities. The point is to get your body moving--you'll feel great and lose weight faster.
This is the hard part. Being patient when you want to see results immediately can be very frustrating. Many people who adopt a healthy lifestyle may not start seeing results for weeks, or a month, sometimes longer. However, taking care of your body through proper diet and exercise instead of attempting risky crash dieting will pay off in the long run: in addition to losing weight safely, you'll earn a lifetime of health and fitness.