14 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism
1.) Eat breakfast. Your metabolism gets a boost the moment you eat your first meal.
2.) Eat six small meals a day. It will keep your body metabolizing food throughout the day.
3.) Eat fruits and vegetables. They are high in digestive enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help you digest well throughout the day. Grapefruit contains properties that lower insulin levels, and green vegetables contain chlorophyl and cleanse the body of toxins.
4.) Eat protein. It takes longer to digest and keeps you feeling full longer. It also balances blood sugar levels. Whey or soy protein shakes can help give you a low-calorie, high-protein snack.
5.) Eat ginger. It helps your body produce digestive enzymes that help digest food with more ease.
6.) Eat cayenne pepper, turmeric and mustard to give the metabolism a boost. They also assist digestion and assist with keeping the colon healthy.
7.) Eat cinnamon, cloves or bay leaves to reduce sugar cravings. Cinnamon helps metabolize sugar and balance blood sugar levels.
8.) Drink tea or coffee. Caffeine gives the metabolism a boost, but more than two to three cups a day may lead to irritability or insomnia. Green tea is especially useful for weight loss because it contains a catechin called epigallocatechin gallate that speeds up the nervous system.
9.) Eat yogurt. The probiotics in yogurt help digestion and support health by encouraging the presence of intestinal flora in the body.
10.) Drink apple cider vinegar. It contains a fiber known as pectin. This helps to flush toxins, cholesterol and fat from the body. Drink 2 tbsp. diluted with honey and purified water.
11.) Eat kelp, which supports the health of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the metabolism.
12.) Do yoga. Yoga cleanses the organs and encourages blood flow. It supports the digestive system and helps eliminate toxins from the body through stretches and breathing techniques.
13.) Build muscle. Muscle mass increases the metabolic rate.
14). Have a Vitamin B complex. This vitamin combination helps the body to metabolize protein, carbohydrates and fat. It also supports a healthy nervous system.