Massive Weight Loss & Bodybuilding
Calorie Intake
Building muscle tone will be difficult for someone that's on a very-low calorie diet. Building muscle requires protein, exercise and an adequate amount of calories. According to the International Center for Sports Nutrition, individuals actually need to eat an extra 300 to 400 calories per day to gain a pound of muscle per week. Reducing your overall weight and gaining muscle is extremely difficult. However, losing fat and gaining muscle is entirely possible. If you're trying to gain muscle you might not see a lower number on your bathroom scale. However, when you look in the mirror you'll notice more muscle and less fat.
Your body needs enough calories to supply the energy that's needed for weight lifting. If you don't consume enough calories, then lifting weights will be counterproductive because your body won't have enough energy to push your muscles to their limit.
Recovery & Rest
According to the health services department at Columbia University, people that are trying to gain muscle and lose weight from fat should never lift weights with the same muscle group two days in a row. An example of an appropriate workout routine would be to do backs and biceps on day 1, chests and tricpets on day 2, and legs and abs on day 3. This will give different muscles in your body ample time to rest, recover and grow before you give them a workout again. Consuming a protein shake or a glass of milk within 45 minutes of your workout may also lead to increased protein synthesis.
Weight Lifting & Muscle Growth
Aerobic exercise will help you lose fat, but you won't be able to build significant amounts of muscle without lifting weights. When you lift heavy weights your muscle fibers will tear. When these muscle fibers repair themselves, new muscle will grow within your body. When you lift weights, it's important for you to lift weights that are heavy enough to push your muscles to their limit. If you don't put your muscles under stress, then your muscle fibers will not tear and you won't be able to build new muscle fibers.
Protein Intake
If you do not have an adequate amount of protein in your diet, then you will not be able to build new muscle fibers. Muscle fibers require protein to repair themselves. Without an adequate amount of protein in your diet, you may lose muscle mass instead of gaining it. According to Northwestern Health Sciences University, individuals need to consume 0.8g of protein for each kg of body weight that they have. According to Amy Goodson, a registered sports dietitian from Texas Christian University Athletics, consuming protein within 45 minutes of lifting weights may lead to increased muscle growth. Try taking a protein shake with you the next time you go to the gym so you can have it right after your workout.
Avoiding Stretch Marks
People that build muscle quickly often get stretch marks because their skin does not have enough time to adjust to added muscle. According to BuildingMuscle.Org, people that lift weights to increase muscle mass can reduce stretch marks by adding muscle mass at a slower rate to give your skin ample time to adjust. If you already have stretch marks, then don't bother buying creams that claim to remove stretch marks. The best way to get rid of stretch marks is to give your body ample time to heal and adjust to your new muscle.