How to Walk off Weight Faster
Go for a 45 to 60 minute moderately paced walk. You should walk at a comfortable pace. Not too slow, but not too fast either. Walk a little faster than a you would normally walk, but not fast enough to where you're breathing heavily. -
Take a short, brisk walk for 20 to 30 minutes to walk off weight faster. Walk quickly enough to breath heavily, but not to the point where you're grasping for air. -
Take Wednesday off and rest. -
Go for another 45 to 60 minute moderately paced walk. -
Take another brisk 20 to 30 minute walk. -
Take Saturday off and rest. -
Go for a brisk 20 to 30 minute walk. Repeat the walking exercises each week Monday through Sunday. You can change the walking exercising days; however, it's important to do the exercises in the same order during any seven day period to walk off weight faster. -
Slowly increase the minutes you work out walking each day. Extend the moderate walking days to 90 minutes, and extend the brisk walking days to 60 minutes.
Lose weight even faster by sticking to a healthy low fat, low calorie diet like the one recommended by the American Heart Association. See resources below for information about the American Heart Association diet.