Quick Weight Loss Remedies
Go Raw
Eat all raw, all organic, all day for as long as you can---preferably two weeks---as the raw diet cuts fat, increases energy and improves digestion. Discipline yourself to require only live foods that have not been cooked above 116 degrees, as these foods retain all of their enzymatic properties. Choose from fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, seaweed, sprouts and grains to keep your diet varied and palatable. Maintain at least 75 percent raw foods in your diet after the initial 100 percent raw fast.
Chew Your Food
Digesting your food begins in your mouth. Chew each mouthful at least 30 to 50 times per bite and watch how full you feel in much less time with much less food. Chewing releases saliva to coat the food, which then begins breaking it down so your stomach doesn't have to work so hard. This gives your body more energy to do other things and leaves you feeling energized, not sluggish.
Drink Water and Sweat
Healthy individuals consume six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, which keeps body functions working and is necessary for life and good health. On the other hand, sweating helps the body release toxins. When you don't allow yourself to sweat, you're preventing your body from doing necessary maintenance. Wear only deodorant, not antiperspirant, to keep the armpit pores open. Go to a sauna once a week or sit outside for 15 to 20 minutes on hot days. Be sure to rehydrate continually. Your body stores less water, even when sweating, once it knows it has an endless supply.
Get the rest you need and get up when you're rested. Sleep as your body tells you instead of ascribing to the Western mindset. If you need six hours and an afternoon nap, get it. Listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Bodies go into shock with too much or too little sleep. Find the motivation to get up when you feel energized, even if you have nothing to do. Force yourself to get to bed earlier before sleep deprivation sets in. Make sleep a priority and watch the pounds come off.