B12 Shots & Weight Loss
What it Does
Vitamin B12 is vital for your body to perform various tasks: building DNA, producing red blood cells, and giving an energy boost to your body as it accelerates your metabolic rate. This is how B12 shots and weight loss are related. You get the vitamin naturally from milk, meat, eggs, poultry and fish, so if you're a vegan, you have to take a supplement or shot to get it in your diet. Also, if you're anemic, your levels of B12 will be reduced, and you'll need to supplement it with pills or shots.
B12 Shots and Weight Loss
B12 shots can help with weight loss by speeding up your metabolic rate and giving you more energy. As a result, you have the energy to exercise more, be more active, and just simply get up and go. However, B12 shots are not a cure-all for obesity. They merely replace the B12 you should normally get from your diet. As the shots are rather expensive, consider the alternative of adding more B12-rich foods to your diet.
Side Effects of B12 Shots
General side effects of B12 shots may include diarrhea, upset stomach, some nausea, headaches, joint pains, and pain and warmth at the injection site. Serious side effects may include heart palpitations, chest pains, wheezing and coughing, and an increased heart rate. Always consult your doctor before taking any B12 shots.
The Thyroid Gland
According to weightlossnutrition.org, B12 helps with weight loss by fueling the thyroid, which is the energy gland. This gives you energy to do the exercise needed to lose weight. Vitamin B12 is also useful for decreasing water retention, supporting proper thyroid function and improving your overall feeling of well being. If you suffer from chronic fatigue as a result of anemia, fibromyalgia or other disorders, vitamin B12 can be a very effective treatment.