How to Combine Foods for Weight Loss
Things You'll Need
- Food purchases, preparation, portions and menu mix all impact how foods should be combined for weight loss.
- Adequate hydration both with and between meals and 60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week play equally important roles in facilitating weight loss.
The Three P's: Purchasing, Preparation and Portions
Purchase the healthiest items in the grocery store, typically found in the outer aisles. This is where you will find fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products and fresh meat. The exceptions to this rule include the breakfast cereal aisle, raw cooking ingredients and frozen fruits and vegetables. Those interested in weight loss need to purchase the bulk of their grocery bill from these areas.
Conversely, the inner aisles tend to be represented by empty calorie, highly processed foods that are low in fiber and nutrients, high in sodium and contain a variety of heart clogging fats. Selecting inner aisle foods by labels that have been modified to reduce fat, sodium, sugar, calories and trans fats are typically healthier selections that are apt to result in greater weight loss than their regular counterparts.
Prepare recipes using cooking methods that are modified to include reduced or lighter ingredients. These are typically lower calorie options than premixed packaged foods and dinners. Remove excess fat and skin from meats prior to cooking to reduce calories by as much as one-third. Experiment with cutting back on fat in recipes by using low-fat ingredients or reducing the quantity of fat added.
Applesauce may be substituted for a portion of the fat in baked goods while simultaneously enhancing flavor. Steaming, boiling, broiling and baking are healthier, lower calorie options than frying and sautéing. Invest in trans-fat free, polyunsaturated pump spray margarines that can be added at the table to further reduce calories.
Portion half of your plate to include fruits and vegetables. The typical American dedicates half his plate to meat and the other half potatoes, rice or pasta loaded with calorie-dense toppings and sauces. By increasing the quantity of freshly prepared, colorful produce, individuals obtain a diet rich in a fiber, photochemical and nutrients. Adding fiber makes individuals feel fuller longer by absorbing water in the gastrointestinal tract. Add fiber slowly along with plenty of low-calorie fluids. Phytochmicals help halt, lessen or prevent disease, which boosts the immune system that can become compromised by dieting.