Broths & Teas to Lose Weight
Oolong Tea
Unlike green or black tea, oolong tea is made with a unique drying process that enhances its natural metabolic properties. Oolong tea speeds up your metabolism 157 percent more than green tea, thus helping you process and burn calories more effectively. Drinking a glass or two of oolong tea daily will help you speed up your metabolism and naturally lose weight. Oolong tea has also been shown to help strengthen your immune system and promote stronger teeth.
Chicken Broth
Chicken broth or chicken soup is packed with nutrients while being low on calories and fat. Soups and broths also fill up your stomach quickly, triggering your brain to tell you that you're completely full and satisfied. Taking in less calories and fat without starving yourself of nutritional value is, of course, the fastest way to true weight loss. Eat chicken broth for lunch and/or dinner to help shed those pounds.
Vegetable Broths
Use any broth stock base you'd like (chicken, fish, beef) and add in a bunch of vegetables. Puree the vegetables and add them to the stock as it cooks to create a delicious vegetable broth loaded with vitamins and nutrients. Eat (or drink) a bowl of vegetable broth daily as a replacement for lunch or dinner to achieve optimum weight loss.
No matter what else you do or take to lose weight, drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Water is vital to your body's proper functioning and acts as a cleansing agent, pushing unwanted materials out of your system. Drinking more water also helps regulate your digestion, improving bowel movements and aiding in weight loss.