Natural Ways for Women to Lose Weight
Drink Water
While you may initially put on a bit of water weight, drinking more water daily will help you lose weight. Water helps regulate your system and push waste and toxins out of your body. Water also fills up your stomach so you are less hungry and tend to eat less food.
Sleep More
Sleep deprivation causes you to crave more sweets and starches. It also triggers your body to release the stress hormone cortisol which is known to be linked to belly fat. Aim for a solid seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Doing so will help you not only lose weight, but will also help you focus better and be apt to exercise and eat healthier on a daily basis.
Walk the Dog
Take the dog for a walk daily. A brisk 20 minute walk will do wonders for your overall health and help you shed the pounds in a seemingly effortless way. If you don't have a dog you can volunteer at your local animal shelter or pound and walk a dog there each day, or weekly. This is also a great source of stress relief that will help you avoid turning to food for comfort.
Breathe More
Take a meditation class and learn some deep breathing techniques. Deep breathing helps you destress and actually burn calories with each deep breath. Taking a few deep breaths before you eat a meal will also help you eat less as you will be relaxed and fulfilled prior to taking a single bite.
Smell Your Spices
Studies done by the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago have shown that people who use certain spices tend to eat less. Using such spices as garlic and pepper will help you eat smaller meals because you will be focused on the smell of the food and enjoying the moment of eating each bite, as opposed to eating more and more bites to achieve that same level of satisfaction from spiceless dishes. Spicy food can also help speed up your metabolism and thus help you burn calories more quickly.